
Brands and tourism authorities are collaborating with individuals more than ever. As advertising budgets have shifted from traditional sources to the digital world, it has also decreased the tolerance of your customers towards aggressive advertising. We live in a world where your brand or country needs to advertise without looking like it is doing so. This is why spokespersons are more important than ever. People are more likely to trust another individual vouching for the brand than the brand itself. Especially if it someone like them, that shares similar interests.

There are very few bilingual travel sites like mine being able to reach such a growing audience.

Did you know?

  • There are more native Spanish speakers than English.
  • 480 million speak Spanish as their native language making it the second most spoken language in the world. The first is Chinese, obviously!
  • 572 million people speak Spanish as a first or second language.
  • Spain has a population of 46.7 million people, so only about 10% of the total native speakers live in Spain. Most people speak it in America, including the United States.
  • Hispanics in the United States accounted for over $56 billion in leisure travel every year, according to the National Tour Association. They also outspend non-Hispanics by an average of $300 when they travel and are more likely to travel in larger groups.
  • Latin America has a population of 626 million people (2016).
  • Latinos are becoming more traveled and are looking for new destinations. But they need to see that somebody else went and everything was fine before deciding on a destination. Travel agencies and group tours are quite common in this market.
  • Even though English is the universal language, only 379 million people have English as their first language, most of them from the United States and the United Kingdom. 
  • 1.5 billion ( 20% of the world’s population) people speak English.

My Profile

  • I am 35 years old (so that makes me an old millennial!)
  • Unlike most bloggers I did not quit my job sold everything and went traveling. My career is in the tourism industry which is a more obtainable goal that just leaving everything behind.
  •  Adventures are what drives me. I am happy snorkeling, scuba diving, hiking, birdwatching, riding a horse or simply exploring. While luxury accommodations are amazing, I have no problem camping or roughing it to be able to experience remote sites.
  •  I travel to experience cultures, to get to know the locals and to try the gastronomy.
  • I love nature, animals and own a farm in Pedasi!
  • Forbes Magazine named me one of the 100 most powerful women in Central America and the Caribbean in 2018.
  • I also do consulting for politicians and have worked as an advisor for several congressmen and candidates. Several of the laws I have worked on are related to tourism.
  • Scholar of a rural tourism course in Israel with Mashav (2017) and SMEs in Japan with JICA (2014)
  • Outstanding alumni award by Florida State University
  • Top content creator for Panama in 2018 according to Visit Panama
  • Owner of a travel agency called Panama Travel Group
  • Travel journalist
  • Director of tourism for the Chamber of Commerce of Panama and the Panamanian Association of Business Executives

How can we work together?

Press trips

As a journalist and blogger I get invited on press trips to be able to narrate my experiences. Articles are very important as they allow to me tell a story instead of you having an ad space that people just ignore. Tourists search online and in the media to find information before they decide where to go and what they want to do in a destination. As a tourism specialist I have worked with many hotels, tour operators, airlines and governments not only in creating content but also in doing campaigns for them.

Brand collaborations

Brands have to go with my tastes and believes for me to be able to do collaborations with them. I will not accept working with brands that have products that are harmful to the environment, humans or animals. For me to be able to endorse something I have to actually like and use the product or brand.

Public speaking or teaching

Content can be chosen according to the time frame necessary which can range from a quick speech (20-30 minutes) to a full day workshop or seminar. It is best if we coordinate directly to design together the best content for your action. Possible subjects range from tendencies and strategies, marketing, digital content, how to create experiences, personal or brand image, how to do PR or lobbying, how to do a tourism campaign, etc.

Talk to me